Udayana University Nursing Students Passed the 36th PIMNAS General


Great news!!

Students from the School of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University have passed the 36th PIMNAS in the Student Creativity Program in the field of Community Service. The team raised the title "Program Manajemen Stres Berbasis Law of Attraction Pada Orang Tua dengan Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus di Yayasan Widya Guna Bali". This activity was carried out at the Widya Guna Bali Foundation, Gianyar with an implementing team of 5 PSSKPPN FK UNUD students class 2020 and 2021, including:

1. Ni Luh Putu Arista Supadmi (Nursing student class of 2021)

2. Kadek Wanda Meliana (Nursing student class of 2021)

3. Ni Gusti Ayu Made Aprillia Adwinayanti (Nursing student class of 2021)

4. Ni Wayan Regitha Widiastuti (Nursing student class of 2020)

5. Ni Putu Aggri Sugi Agestina (Nursing student class of 2020)

Meanwhile, the accompanying lecturer was Dr. NS. Putu Ayu Sani Utami, S.Kep., M.Kep., Sp.Kep.Kom.

PKM-PM LOA activities consist of 3 main activities, namely scripting, affirmation and visualization. First, this activity starts with scripting (gratitude journal), here we distribute a book and pen which parents will then write their gratitude in the book. Apart from that, they also write their gratitude on small notes which will then be attached to the hope board. Then the second activity continued with affirmation (positive affirmation), namely parents expressing positive and valuable things that are useful for increasing positive energy. The third activity continued with visualization, namely imagining beautiful things in their lives. This activity is umbrellaed in the form of a Self Helf Group (SHG) so that it involves more cooperation, support and empathy for each other. And it can be combined with several activities ranging from yoga savasana, therapeutic touch, to gymnastics. This activity will be carried out 8 times in a row in August 2023.

Through this activity, parents with children with special needs are able to manage their stress and are able to attract positive energy from the surrounding environment. This is proven by testimonials and evaluation results that stress levels have decreased.

For further information, you can visit Instagram @pkmpm_manstresloa