Bachelor Degree Curriculum
The curriculum at PSSKPN FK UNUD has changed 5 times. The 2006 PSIK curriculum is a curriculum that is not yet based on AIPNI. The 2008 and 2010 curricula are curricula based on the AIPNI guidebook, where the 2010 curriculum is a refinement of the 2008 curriculum. Next are the 2015 and 2020 curricula which are based on the 2015 AIPNI curriculum guide.
The 2021 PSSKPN curriculum adheres to the revision of the 2021 AIPNI curriculum, consisting of the Bachelor of Nursing program curriculum and the Nursing Profession program curriculum. According to AIPNI (2021), this curriculum was developed after taking into account that there are currently a number of global problems that pose a challenge to change in the nursing education system in Indonesia due to the increasingly rapid flow of globalization, developments in global health problems, the need for competent graduates as nurses in the 21st century which as well as the opportunity to have a career abroad, there is an agreement regarding the core curriculum of Nurses with ASEAN countries, standards for the study period of nursing education in various countries, as well as the findings of the previous AIPNI curriculum review by the International Nursing Board which demands strengthening in aspects of mastering nursing pharmacology and critical thinking skills (AIPNI, 2021). Another foundation that forms the basis for compiling the 2021 APINI curriculum is SNPT No. 3 of 2020 regarding "independent campus, independent learning" which emphasizes blended learning learning methods, revision of learning achievements in undergraduate and professional education, there is an obligation for scientific work in professional education, there are integration of research and community service in learning, maximum length of study and so on (AIPNI, 2021).
The study period for the Nursing Education program is based on Permendikbud Number 3 of 2020 concerning National Higher Education Standards (SNPT). Undergraduate stage can be completed in a maximum of 7 (seven) years and professional stage in a maximum of 3 (three) years. Meanwhile, the Indonesian Nurses Education core curriculum consists of two stages, namely: the undergraduate stage, which consists of 7 (seven) semesters; and the professional stage taken for 2 (two) semesters.
The number of credits for the Indonesian Nurses Education Core Curriculum can be described as follows: (1). Undergraduate Stage 118 credits are divided into 81 T and 37 P or a ratio of 68.6% theory and 31.4% practice. Each institution can add a minimum of 26 credits to achieve the standard number of credits for undergraduate education; (2) Professional Stage 29 practice credits, where institutions can add a minimum of 7 credits. Meanwhile, the total number of credits for the undergraduate PSSKPN curriculum complies with the minimum number of credits determined by AIPNI by adding 26 credits to support the vision and mission of the institution.