Course Description
SKEP1101 Bahasa Indonesia
This course studies the Indonesian language in nursing, emphasizing the correct and proper use of the Indonesian language in both oral and written communication, based on the ethical concepts of language use.
SKEP1102 Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Dasar Manusia
This course covers various concepts, principles, and clinical nursing skills to help meet the diverse human needs, including the needs for activity and exercise; oxygenation; fluid, electrolyte, and fluid-electrolyte balance; rest and sleep; nutrition; elimination; comfort; and hygiene and self-care. Learning experiences include both classroom instruction and nursing laboratory practice.
SKEP1103 Konsep Dasar Keperawatan
This course discusses the concept of caring throughout the human life cycle, the concepts of human growth and development, professional standards in nursing practice, including nursing ethics, legal aspects in nursing practice, and nursing care documentation. Learning experiences include both classroom instruction and nursing laboratory practice.
SKEP1104 Agama
Religion is a course related to the beliefs that guide individuals to act and behave tolerantly in social life, particularly in fostering cooperation among people of different faiths in society. The focus is on understanding religious concepts and religious life in Indonesia. It emphasizes the values of religious life applied in carrying out the role of the nurse as a care provider, fulfilling the spiritual needs of clients, conducting research to identify clients' belief/value issues, and the role of an educator in providing spiritual education to clients in managing their spiritual needs, both in clinical settings and within the community.
SKEP1105 Ilmu Biomedik Dasar
This course is part of the basic natural science group that discusses the concepts of biology, physics, biochemistry, and nutrition, with attention to the environment and scientific ethics, as well as the concepts of human anatomy and physiology in maintaining body homeostasis.
SKEP1106 Falsafah dan Teori Keperawatan
This course covers philosophy, paradigms, conceptual models, and nursing theories, as well as the principles of a holistic approach within the context of nursing.
SKEP1107 Digital Society
The Digital Society course is designed through online learning using the Moodle LMS for students. After completing the course, students will be able to explain the theoretical concepts of digital culture as values in community life in general and in their specific field of study. Students will also be able to explain and implement ways to communicate, interact, collaborate, and make decisions efficiently and effectively by utilizing the rapidly evolving Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the digital era, while adhering to applicable norms, ethics, and regulations. Furthermore, students will develop the ability to read, analyze, and use big data effectively as a valuable source of information in the digital era. Finally, students will be able to explain the integration of cyberspace and physical space with artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) and its benefits for society and industry.
SKEP1209 Pancasila
This course discusses Pancasila as one of the pillars of the Indonesian nation, as the foundation of the state and national ideology, and as a reference and inspiration for addressing the challenges of national life.
SKEP1210 Keterampilan Dasar Keperawatan
This course covers nursing procedures that serve as the scientific foundation in nursing practice, including the measurement of vital signs, nursing assessments and physical examinations, infection control, and medication administration procedures. Learning experiences include classroom instruction, nursing laboratory practice, and clinical practice.
SKEP1211 Proses Keperawatan dan Berpikir Kritis
This course discusses the concept of critical thinking in nursing and the nursing process, with an emphasis on the nursing diagnosis process.
SKEP1212 Ilmu Dasar Keperawatan
This course covers the concepts of pathology, pathophysiology, microbiology, and parasitology in various conditions as a foundation for studying advanced sciences/expertise.
SKEP1213 Farmakologi Keperawatan
This course covers the concepts of pharmacology in nursing and the effects of drugs on the body systems as a foundation for studying advanced sciences or expertise.
SKEP1214 Pendidikan dan Promosi Kesehatan
This course discusses the theoretical concepts of health promotion and health education for clients, the concepts and theories of teaching and learning, as well as the concepts and theories of health promotion and the development of health education and promotion programs for clients.
SKEP1215 Kewirausahaan
This course focuses on the theory and practice of entrepreneurship in nursing. Students are facilitated to learn how to analyze business opportunities, build, and develop businesses related to nursing/healthcare, enabling them to create and expand new job opportunities, not just focus on hospitals or teaching roles. The course content includes entrepreneurship concepts, the impact of the 4.0 industrial revolution on the nursing field and business opportunities that can be developed, how to build and grow a business, ethics in entrepreneurship, and the application of nursing knowledge in entrepreneurship. Students are also given the opportunity to share "success and failure stories" from nurses who have ventured into entrepreneurship or other sources. The learning experience includes lectures, discussions, and plenary sessions to synthesize the concepts from the core course material.
SKEP2116 Sistem Informasi Keperawatan
The Information Systems course is a 2-credit course, consisting of 1 credit of theory and 1 credit of practical work. This course explains and enhances nursing students' skills and practice in the concepts and scope of nursing information systems. In this course, students will gain a deeper understanding and hands-on experience related to information systems in nursing.
SKEP2117 Kewarganegaraan
This course discusses contextual issues in Civics Education (PKn), developing a positive attitude and displaying behavior that supports nationalism and love for the homeland. It also addresses contextual issues in PKn, promoting positive attitudes and behaviors that support civilized democracy, as well as contextual issues in PKn that develop positive attitudes and behaviors supporting legal awareness and diversity.
SKEP2118 Keperawatan Dewasa Sistem Kardiovaskuler, Respiratori dan Hematologi
The focus of this course is on meeting the needs of adult clients with disturbances in oxygenation, circulation, and hematology. Nursing care is provided for cases of respiratory, cardiovascular, and hematologic disorders based on the nursing process, applying biomedical sciences such as biology, histology, biochemistry, anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, medical-surgical nursing, internal medicine, pharmacology, nutrition, surgery, and rehabilitation. Disorders in these systems include inflammation, degenerative abnormalities, malignancies, and trauma, which are among the top 10 most prevalent cases at local, regional, national, and international levels. The scope of discussion ranges from assessment to evaluation of care for the client. Nursing interventions include various Nursing Modalities therapies, including complementary therapy. The learning process is conducted through expert lectures, collaborative learning (CL), problem-based learning (PBL), and laboratory practice.
SKEP2119 Keperawatan Maternitas I
This course discusses efforts to improve reproductive health for women of childbearing age, pregnant women, those in labor, postpartum women, and newborns, with a focus on preventive and promotive measures. It uses the nursing process approach while considering legal and ethical aspects in both clinical and community settings.
SKEP2120 Komunikasi Terapeutik Keperawatan
This course studies the principles of therapeutic communication and their application in the context of healthcare services in general, and specifically in providing nursing care for individuals, groups, families, and communities across various settings, including clinical practice and community care.
SKEP2121 Psikososial dan Budaya dalam Keperawatan
This course discusses psychosocial concepts in nursing practice, including self-concept, spiritual health, sexuality, stress adaptation, and the concepts of loss, death, and grieving. It also covers theoretical concepts in health anthropology, including discussions on culture in general, hospital culture, the etiology of diseases from a cultural perspective, and the cultural-based perception of health and illness responses. Additionally, the course explores theoretical concepts of transcultural nursing, including a transcultural perspective in nursing, Leininger's Culture Care Theory, cultural assessment, and the application of transcultural nursing in addressing various health issues across the human lifespan.
SKEP2122 Tropical Emerging Disease
This course discusses the theoretical principles and clinical skills related to nursing care for patients with infectious diseases, according to the stages of human growth and development, from fetal development to old age. The focus of the course is on aspects related to the human response to various infectious diseases, particularly in tropical regions, covering anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, and the provision of nursing care. This approach helps students think systematically and comprehensively in applying nursing care concepts for patients with infectious diseases, using nursing care as the foundation for problem-solving.
SKEP2123 Interprofessional Education I
This course discusses the basic concepts of interprofessional collaboration, the provision of healthcare services through interprofessional teams, cross-cultural healthcare, healthcare ethics, and the trust-based relationship between patients, families, and other healthcare team members. The learning experience includes classroom instruction and laboratory practice.
SKEP2224 Keperawatan Kesehatan Reproduksi
This course discusses efforts to improve reproductive health for women of childbearing age, pregnant women, those in labor, postpartum women, and the period between pregnancies, particularly in high-risk conditions. It also addresses issues related to reproductive system disorders, with an emphasis on preventive and promotive measures using the nursing process approach, while considering legal and ethical aspects in both clinical and community settings.
SKEP2225 Keperawatan Dewasa Sistem Endokrin, Pencernaan, Perkemihan, Imunologi
This course focuses on meeting the needs of adult clients with disorders of the endocrine, immunological, digestive, and urinary systems. Nursing care for cases of these system disorders is provided based on the nursing process, applying biomedical sciences such as biology, histology, biochemistry, anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, medical-surgical nursing, internal medicine, pharmacology, nutrition, surgery, and rehabilitation. Disorders in these systems include inflammation, degenerative conditions, malignancies, and trauma, which are among the top 10 most common cases at local, regional, national, and international levels. The scope of the course includes assessment through to the evaluation of care for clients. Nursing interventions include nursing modalities in various conditions, including complementary therapies. Learning processes involve expert lectures, collaborative learning (CL), problem-based learning (PBL), and laboratory practice.
SKEP2226 Keperawatan Anak Sehat dan Sakit Akut
This course is a nursing skills course that focuses on the responses of children and families at every stage of development, from neonates to the end of adolescence, both in healthy conditions and in acute illness, whether in the community or hospitalized. It also covers nursing interventions, both independent and collaborative. This course integrates and applies basic nursing knowledge and foundational nursing sciences, guiding students to delve into how to provide professional (holistic) nursing care, deliver health education, advocate for clients and their families by applying effective communication, and make decisions while considering legal and ethical aspects. Student learning activities are oriented toward achieving the ability to think systematically, comprehensively, and critically in applying concepts with a nursing process approach as a problem-solving foundation, while also developing professional attitudes (soft skills development) through several relevant learning models.
SKEP2227 Keperawatan Kesehatan Jiwa dan Psikososial
This course explores the concepts, principles, trends, and issues in mental health and psychiatric nursing. It also discusses clients as adaptive systems within the spectrum of mental health responses, from healthy mental states to mental disorders, including psychodynamics and common mental health problems in Indonesia. Nursing interventions for primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention of psychosocial and spiritual issues in clients are a major focus of the course, along with the development of therapeutic relationships both individually and within a family context. This learning experience is essential for providing mental health nursing care and integrating psychiatric nursing with other areas of nursing.
SKEP2228 Keselamatan Pasien dan Keselamatan Kesehatan Kerja
This course focuses on ensuring patient safety and the health and safety of nurses when providing nursing care to clients. A key aspect of the course is patient safety, and managing the nursing care environment to ensure it is free from hazards and health risks in both indoor and outdoor work settings. Basic occupational health concepts are applied throughout the nursing process, from assessment to evaluation. The discussion emphasizes identifying hazards and risks and taking various steps to minimize them at every stage of the nursing process. Learning will occur through methods like Question-Based Learning (QBL), Collaborative Learning (CL), Case-Based or Problem-Based Learning (CBL or PBL), interactive lectures with expert clarifications, and role-playing activities.
SKEP2229 Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan
This course discusses the integration of four basic English language skills, namely speaking, listening, reading, and writing, including aspects of grammar and vocabulary, into the scope of nursing services and work, both in clinical/community practice and in classroom and/or laboratory learning.
SKEP2230 Keperawatan Komplementer
This complementary nursing course discusses the concept of complementary therapy (goals, types, benefits, ethical and legal aspects, level of evidence), challenges in nursing care (the role of nurses in complementary therapy) and its application in nursing care. The focus of laboratory practice in this course is to simulate one type of complementary therapy that can solve nursing problems. Thus, it is expected that students will be able to have communication skills, provide rationale and data synthesis and formulate appropriate nursing care management.
SKEP2231 Interprofessional Education II
This course discusses the concepts of collaboration and integration in health care, the roles and responsibilities of patients, families, communities and other health care teams, and professional and interprofessional development to enhance collaboration. Learning experiences include classroom and laboratory learning.
SKEP3132 Keperawatan Dewasa Sistem Muskuloskeletal, Integumen, Persepsi Sensori dan Persarafan
The focus of this course is on meeting the needs of adult clients with musculoskeletal, integumentary, sensory perception and nervous system disorders. Provision of nursing care in cases of musculoskeletal, integumentary, sensory perception and nervous system disorders is based on the nursing process by applying biomedical sciences such as biology, histology, biochemistry, anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, medical surgical nursing science, internal medicine, pharmacology, surgery, nutrition and rehabilitation. Disorders of the system include inflammatory disorders, degenerative disorders, trauma, which are included in the 10 largest cases both locally, regionally, nationally and internationally. The scope of discussion starts from assessment to evaluation of client care. Nursing interventions include Nursing Modality therapy in various conditions including complementary therapies. The learning process is carried out through expert lectures, collaborative learning (CL) and Problem Based Learning (BDM), and laboratory practice.
SKEP3133 Metodologi Penelitian
This course discusses the philosophy of science, research concepts, development of nursing research, research process, research dimensions, hypothesis test selection procedures, descriptive statistics, comparative hypothesis testing, categorical variable hypothesis testing, correlation testing, research proposals, research ethics, and writing research results.
SKEP3134 Keperawatan Anak Sakit Kronis dan Terminal
This course is a nursing expertise course that focuses on the response of children and their families at every stage of development from neonates to late adolescence, both in chronic, terminal and special needs, in the community or hospitalized, and nursing interventions, both independent and collaborative. This course is also an integration and application of basic nursing science and basic nursing science that helps guide students to explore how to carry out professional (holistic) nursing care, provide health education, carry out advocacy functions for clients/families by implementing effective communication, and make decisions by considering legal and ethical aspects. Student learning activities are oriented towards achieving systematic, comprehensive and critical thinking skills in applying concepts with a nursing process approach as a basis for problem solving and developing professional attitudes (soft skills development) through several relevant learning models.
SKEP3135 Keperawatan Psikiatri
This course discusses nursing care for clients with mental disorders. Recovery from mental disorders with a holistic approach and person-centered care is the focus of this course, including therapeutic relationships individually and in the context of the family and the application of nursing modality therapy. Mental health nursing care for special groups and for clients who use drugs is also discussed in this course. This learning experience will be useful in providing mental health nursing services/care and the integration of mental health nursing into other nursing areas.
SKEP3136 Keperawatan Menjelang Ajal dan Paliatif
This course studies nursing perspectives and concepts of palliative care, ethics, policies, techniques for delivering bad news, communicators, psychological needs of palliative patients, pain management, various complementary therapies, religious and cultural reviews of chronic illness.
SKEP3137 Konsep Keperawatan Komunitas
The focus of this course discusses the basic concepts of community health and nursing, health programs/government policies in addressing priority health problems in Indonesia, community nursing care and discussions related to issues and trends in community health problems. This course is useful in understanding the basic concepts of community nursing and various special areas in community nursing, especially related to health problems that are common in Indonesia, and understanding the mechanism of community nursing service guarantees, as well as issues/trends that occur; and or prerequisites for taking the Community Nursing II course. Learning experiences include lectures, discussions (SGD), PjBL, case discussions and practicums.
SKEP3138 Keperawatan Pariwisata
Tourism Nursing is the development of nursing science based on local wisdom and cultural values ??that include the community and tourism actors as the main supporting components to identify and analyze tourism health problems and develop primary, secondary and tertiary prevention efforts related to tourism health using various nursing science approaches. This course discusses the concept of tourism health, the concept of dimension health, infectious diseases during tourism and their prevention efforts, the surveillance system for infectious diseases in tourism workers, hotels and restaurants, the relevance of the concept of nursing models in tourism health, the role of nursing and the application of nursing care as a basis for problem solving. The teaching and learning process uses a competency-based curriculum with the aim of producing quality nursing students who have additional competencies in the field of tourism nursing either through tutorial learning, discussions or visits to tourist attractions, hospitals (hyperbaric), airports or ports to identify health-related problems.
SKEP3139 Interprofessional Education III
This course discusses the basic concepts of communication, communication between patients, families, communities and other health teams, active listening, and feedback in communication. Learning experiences include classroom and laboratory learning.
SKEP3240 Keperawatan Agregat Komunitas
This course focuses on community aggregate nursing care and discusses issues and trends in community health problems in the context of primary health care with an emphasis on health promotion, disease prevention and health maintenance. Discussion also covers management in specific areas of community nursing, including school health nursing, occupational health nursing, home care, quality assurance of community nursing services and issues/trends in community nursing, with an emphasis on health promotion, disease prevention and health maintenance.
SKEP3241 Biostatistik
This course focuses on understanding statistical principles, levels of measurement, graphical presentation, descriptive measures of summary statistics, dispersion and association of inferential statistics, hypothesis testing, and applications in interpreting nursing research literature.
SKEP3242 Manajemen Keperawatan
The focus of this course is to learn how to manage a group of nurses using management roles and functions to be able to provide nursing care to clients in the nursing service setting at the ward level in a hospital (RS). Developing the ability to work together in achieving organizational goals and applying the concepts of leadership, roles and functions of management. The discussion is emphasized on the implementation of the role and function of the care unit manager. The learning process is carried out through active learning methods in the form of discussions (based on questions and problems), presentations, role plays, and learning based on study results.
SKEP3243 Keperawatan Gawat Darurat
This course discusses the concept and planning of ethical, legal and culturally sensitive nursing care for clients who have actual problems and risks that occur suddenly or cannot be predicted and without or accompanied by uncontrollable environmental conditions, as well as client conditions that are critical and life-threatening. Nursing care planning is developed in such a way that it is expected to be able to prevent or reduce death or disability that may occur.
SKEP3244 Keperawatan Keluarga
The focus of this course is a discussion of the concept of family, family health, the concept of a prosperous family, family nursing care at each stage of family development which includes newly married couples, families awaiting the birth of a child, families with toddlers, families with school-age children, families with teenagers, adult families and family problems related to common health problems in Indonesia.
SKEP3245 Elective Study
SKEP3246 Interprofessional Education IV
This course discusses the basic concepts of effective teams, team development, team leadership, and conflict management in teams. Learning experiences include classroom and laboratory learning.
SKEP4147 Keperawatan Kritis
This course discusses the concept and planning of ethical, legal and culturally sensitive nursing care for clients who are critical and life-threatening. Nursing care planning is developed in such a way that it is expected to be able to prevent or reduce death or disability that may occur.
SKEP4148 Keperawatan Gerontik
This course focuses on the basic concepts of geriatric nursing, various theories of geriatric nursing and nursing care in meeting the basic needs of the elderly. Its application in geriatric nursing care includes discussions on the bio, psycho, social and spiritual needs of the elderly with targets of individuals, families and groups/communities.
SKEP4149 Keperawatan Bencana
This course focuses on the basic concepts of geriatric nursing, various theories of geriatric nursing and nursing care in meeting the basic needs of the elderly. Its application in geriatric nursing care includes discussions on the bio, psycho, social and spiritual needs of the elderly targeting individuals, families and groups/communities as well as during the pandemic.
SKEP4150 Skripsi
The course focuses on the application of research methodology and the ability to think logically and systematically. Students will identify nursing problems that must be solved by research, create research proposals, conduct research and create individual research reports using research methodology.
SKEP4151 Keperawatan Komprehensif
The focus of the Comprehensive Nursing course is the discussion and review of the concept of nursing care (assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation and evaluation) in each field (basic nursing, nursing management, medical surgical nursing, emergency and critical care nursing, pediatric nursing, maternity nursing, psychiatric nursing and family, geriatric and community nursing), ethical principles, patient safety, health and occupational safety of nurses. The maturation and strengthening of nursing skills in each field of nursing specialty is also the focus of the course because the main objective of this course is also to better prepare students for the next stage of education, namely nursing professional education.
SKEP4152 Kuliah Kerja Nyata
This course is designed to provide students with experiential learning by immersing them in the community outside the campus. Students will directly collaborate with the community to identify local potentials and address existing problems. The goal is for students to help develop the potential of the village/region and provide solutions to the issues faced by the community.