Preparation of the OSCE Local Nursing Handbook General


Nurses who work in various health care settings are expected to provide quality nursing services and care, in accordance with their field of expertise and/or authority. Nursing service is a form of professional service that is an integral part of health services, based on nursing knowledge and tips aimed at individuals, families, groups, and communities, both healthy and sick, which includes all processes of human life. Nursing care is a series of activities that are humanistic in nature by using a nursing process approach in order to help solve actual or potential health/nursing problems.

The services and nursing care mentioned above are provided by nurses who have the ability to adapt, act intelligently, and are full of responsibility for the demands of existing changes by paying attention to the nursing code of ethics. These abilities can be possessed by nurses, including through the education level of Bachelor of Nursing and Nurses. The existence and quality of educational institutions is very important in order to prepare the competence and quality of nurses, so that it has an impact on increasing the quality of health services.

Competence is a set of intelligent, responsible actions that a person has as a condition to be considered capable by the community in carrying out tasks in certain fields of work (Kepmendikbud Number 045/U/2003). Indonesian nurse competency standards refer to the standards issued by the Indonesian National Nurses Association, through the Decree of the General Chair Number 024/PP.PPNI/SK/K/XII/2009. In accordance with the mandate of the Health Law Number 36/2009, to ensure that every health worker, including nurses, has the required competencies before carrying out nursing service practices. The government has issued Regulation of the Minister of Health Number 1796 of 2011 concerning Registration of Health Workers which was strengthened by the ratification of the Nursing Act Number 38 of 2014 article 16. Specifically for prospective university graduates in the health sector, a joint regulation has been issued between the Minister of Health and the Minister of Education and Culture Number 36/2013 and Number 1/IV/PB/2013 concerning Competency Test for Higher Education students in the field of Health. Article 3 states that the competency test for students is part of the assessment of learning outcomes. The Competency Examination for graduates of the Nursing profession is called the Indonesian Nurses Competency Exam (UKNI) which is conducted nationally.

The Indonesian Nurses Competency Examination (UKNI) has so far been conducted using a Computer Based Test (CBT) which can assess the cognitive abilities of prospective nurses. The Association of Indonesian Nurses Education Institutions (AIPNI) has issued a blueprint for the implementation of UKNI, which is added with the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) method. OSCE is an exam conducted in a laboratory to assess student skills in performing nursing care, especially nursing actions. The OSCE test has an advantage in assessing clinical performance and professional behavior. The Nursing Science and Nursing Profession Undergraduate Study Program has compiled a local OSCE nursing manual. This manual supports local nursing OSCE activities carried out at the study program level. This manual explains the flow of activities, the mechanism for administering the exam, preparation for the OSCE, the role of the examiner's function, the rules for taking the exam and so on.

Author : Ns. I Made Suindrayasa, S.Kep., M.Kep (081224555587)