Nursing Study Program Receives a Visit from The 2023 Winter J-Term Activities from The University of Rhode Island, USA General


Nursing Study Program Udayana University received a visit from The University of Rhode Island, USA for the 2023 winter J-term activities on Monday, January 16 2023 at the Prama Hotel Sanur. Winter J-Term is a short semester activity for three weeks where students from The University of Rhode Island are given the opportunity to learn things outside of class activities and implement the application of knowledge learned in everyday life. The activity was attended by representatives of the study program, Ns. Ni Komang Ari Sawitri, S.Kep., M.Sc., PhD. and Ns. Ni Kadek Ayu Suarningsih, S.Kep., MNS to present the topic on Global Health. The topic regarding Global Health presented on this occasion is related to how history and local culture of Indonesia, especially in Bali, have influenced the field of public health. Students from The University of Rhode Island are expected to have the opportunity to observe first-hand how the social cultural context can help optimize health.