
PPK ORMAWA Nursing Student Association, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University held a Healthy Village Launch and Free Health Check Up open to the general public which was held on Saturday, September 30 2023 at Gunaksa Village, Dawan District, Klungkung. The Healthy Village Launching Event was attended by the Vice Chancellor III for Student Affairs at Udayana University (Prof. Ir. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana, M.T., Ph.D., IPU), Head of the Udayana Student Creative Center Unit at Udayana University (I Wayan Santiyasa, MSi), Unit Character Development and Community Service at Udayana University (Wayan Nata Septiadi, ST., MT), Deputy Dean III for Student Affairs, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University (Dr. I Made Ady Wirawan, MPH., Ph.D), Nursing Study Program Coordinator (Dr. Ns . Ni Ketut Guru Prapti., S.Kep., MNS), Supervisor (Dr. Ns. Ni Made Dian Sulistiowati, S.Kep., M.Kep., Sp. Kep. J), Chair of the Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Medicine Udayana University (Tantra Pratama), Chair of the Nursing Science Student Association (Ni Kadek Karlina), Head of the Klungkung Regency Women's and Children's Empowerment Social Service (I Gusti Agung Gede Putra Mahajaya, SSTP), Klungkung Regency Health Service (Dr. Komang Ayu Megawati), UPTD Puskesmas II Dawan, Head of Gunaksa Village (I Wayan Sadiarna, S.H), Mr. Gunaksa Village Secretary, Hamlet Head, Village Stakeholders, PKK Chair and members, Gunaksa Village Youth Cadre, and the entire Gunaksa Village community.

This event is an event organized by PPK ORMAWA HMIK with the AKBAR Program (Community Joint Action and Education Through Art Therapy) in Gunaksa Village Towards a Healthy Village Responding to Bullying. This series of events was opened by the Head of Gunaksa Village where he said that the existence of PPK Ormawa activities in the Village really helped the Village in increasing community knowledge, especially regarding mental health where generally people still feel taboo about talking about this even though it is as important as talking about health. physique. With this community service activity in the village, it is hoped that children will increasingly understand the dangers of bullying if it is allowed to happen. Hopefully, with the "AKBAR" program, Gunaksa Village will become a healthy village and will motivate the village community to be more proactive in maintaining not only physical health but also mental health as well as being a model for other villages in the Klungkung Regency environment.

This activity aims to convey to the community the activities that have been carried out by PPK ORMAWA HMIK students, starting from forming youth cadres in the village to carrying out activities with cadres in assisting children in carrying out Art Therapy activities ranging from drawing, painting to drama. Through drama performances performed by the children of Gunaksa Village, it is hoped that the community will receive information regarding the dangers of bullying and what impacts children experience when experiencing bullying so that the community can be vigilant together in preventing bullying behavior in Gunaksa Village. Apart from that, this activity also carried out a free health examination and cataract test in collaboration with UPTD Puskesmas II Dawan and the Voluntary Nursing Team of the Nursing Student Association which was open to the entire Gunaksa Village community. This activity also invited content creator Puja Astawa as a guest star who provided education and messages to the public regarding the prevention of bullying behavior, after which it continued with a drama performance from the children of Gunaksa Village with the theme Bullying Response and the presentation of plaques and certificates to Gunaksa Village, the health center, and partners.